Wednesday 8 August 2012


Monday 6 August
We are sailing on the Main (pronounced mine) river at the moment & not as wide as the Rhine, not sure why, I think on the way to the Danube. Had the usual full breakfast , fruit,  poached egg on toast with impossibly crispy bacon only to discover they were feeding us early lunch in order to leave for an excursion to Bamberg (on a hill - remember earlier lesson?), so of course even though I did not need it, at all, at all, was tempted to try the Mussel Ragout with pasta, followed by Apple Strudel & ice cream.

After lunch bus to Bamberg which is called the Rome of Bavaria because it is built on 7 hills. It is famous for rauchbier, a smoked beer which apparently tastes like bacon, I cannot vouch for this as I did not try it.  Local guide showed us up hill / down dale, the old part of town is 12th C.  Bamberg is a university town, apparently education, including uni is still free in Germany, along with health etc. Average taxes, combined council, education, medical & income) is around 50% of income, plus the unification tax, special 4%  tax for short term, but still going &  now 6%. She pointed out the rathaus (town hall) which started life as a halftimbered construction, but as this was associated with less prosperous, being trade, it was plastered over & painted with frescos. Another magnificent halftimbered house which remains is the original Bishops residence, which was really a farmhouse. However once he became the PRINCE Bishop, this was not good enough & he built another Versaille copy, he was the uncle of yesterday's Prince Bishop from Wurzbug you see, the only trouble was that he ran out of money & poor old PB of Bamberg only got 2 wings.

Palace of Bamberg, only 2 wings, poor thing

This is the Prince Bishop's old place, old halftimbered farmhouse

Anyone for leiderhosen?

We also looked at the Bamberg Cathedral, dated from 1000 years ago, burnt down a couple of times & today's building, Romanesque with some gothic features, is 800 years old.  Not the most stunning church ever built.

Then free time to wander aound, once again you can tell it is August, many people on the streets in holiday mood,  concert in the square with German speaking chap singing Route 66

Bus back to boat & blow me down, it's feed time again, dined with lovely couple Bill & Joan from WA. Caesar salad, Mushroom consomme,  Steak with creamy porcini sauce & cheese cake!!!

Steak with porcini mushroom sauce for dinner


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