Monday 27 August 2012

Monday 27th August 2012 to London

Not sure what is happening with the blog, but when I have been adding the photos which I was unable to on the boat trip, the dates are getting all higgedly-piggedly, not to worry , I shall cease & desist immediately.

Anyway today I arrived in  London, the National Trust tour came to an end, the last property we visited was Biddulph Grange garden, an original garden created in the Victorian era, with different "rooms",  or the garden was compartmentilised, an Italian garden, Egyption, Japanese etc, just beautiful,  it was a horrible day, but the weather held off just long enough for us to get around the garden without too much trouble.

Biddulph Grange Garden

The house at Biddulph Grange Garden, used to be a TB sanitorium

The Japanese Garden

Biddulph Grange Garden

 This last property was on the way home, as most were from Bath & points further south. I had arranged for the driver to drop me at the Bath train station to get the train to London.  We left Lymm at 9.30am & arrived at Bath at 4pm, with the garden stop & one motorway services stop - this was an experience in itself. The services stop was "not very good" they said as it was an old one, but it had a Marks & Spencers (food only) a Costas (a coffee & food chain here) a Burger King, a newsagency chain & another food franchise - forgotten the name. The place was fairly hopping on a bank holiday Monday, just shows what can happen with a different market size.  It made me wonder, doesn't anyone take a thermos & sandwiches anymore, obviously not.

It was nice seeing Bath again, very very pretty, so Georgian, Jane Austen, you can just about see her tripping along to the Assembly. No trouble getting ticket to London, 29 pounds, trains every 30 minutes. The train was crowded & trip 1.5 hours. When I got to Paddington, discretion being the better part of valour, took a taxi to the B&B in the Barbican, paid a bit extra as bank holiday, but was OK at 25 pounds...worth it!

Just a word on the tour, the people were very nice & inclusive. The thing about the english is that they are individuals, I enjoyed very much spending time with  them & it was only a small group of 14. Let's put it this way, on the boat trip with a much larger sample of yanks, I was more comfortable with less of them, nuff said! I have the contact details of several, one of which Val is into family history for Somerset/ Dorset, where  I have family from (few generations ago, of course) Another one Julie,  from Wiltshire, we had great chats, just retired like moi!

B&B seems fine, host Tess a film-maker & lecturer & the flat on top floor of Peabody Building, she seems very nice, had a lot of information about the area & getting to any points of interest. I took a walk to the nearest Tescos , 5 minutes,  to get something for tea.

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