Tuesday 21 August 2012

Tuesday 21 August 2012 Down to Herefordshire

Got an early start as I had a long drive down to Herefordshire, GPS took me on so many M roads - not my favourites- but necessity for getting anywhere.  Arrived at Kentchurch Court where I was booked for a tour at 12 midday, just had time for a cup of tea in the tea room beforehand. Now this is a completely different kettle of fish, the house has been in the Scudamore family for 1000 years, name has changed a bit from the original Norman name, but is still a family home & the present custodian conducts the tour,(small groups of 20) explaining the house & artwork - a lot of portraits & where they come into the story  & the family history, & how they have been involved in court / royalty & still managed to keep their heads.  She was really very good & I enjoyed it thoroughly. Gardens & deerpark needed to be investigated also.

This is the ladies loo at Kenchurch Court

Beautiful perennial borders at Kentchurch Court

Kentchurch Court

Heard mention at that tour of a norman church nearby & went there next. Kilpeck Church, Norman dating from 1140, with the most complete carvings, almost paganlooking & unusual for these these to have survived as most were defaced by the puritans later on.

Kilpeck Church - Norman dating from 1140

Found B&B with not too much difficultly & walked to the Bell for tea, had duck, apparently this neck of the woods pride themselves with locallysourced this & that, anyway the meal was very good...or maybe I was starving...

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