Thursday 5 May 2011

Je suis fatigue, first day in Paris, Wednesday 4/5/11

Doing this diary at 6pm of first day in Paris, listening to snores (ladylike of course) of M, who has the ability of snoozing anywhere, lucky thing, currently doing the snoozing on garret daybed. Only other sound is the quarter-hourly work of Quasimodo (I assume) over at Notre Dame, some pealing nicely, others such as what
is happening now, a bit jangly, frankly.  Notre Dame so close out the window could almost spit on it.
Garret we found to be small but perfectly formed, I guess an apartment does not have a mezzanine bed if floorspace is plentiful. All in all,  an excellent use of space, approx 16' x 15', but irregular shape & of course with the sloping roofline, all crisp white with the original roof beams exposed, with the bathroom beneath the bed, plenty of cupboard space, all stuff stowed, including cases. Building Haussman -era, 1850 onwards funny arrangement, with poky centre courtyard access to the back stairs to access the garret floor, (servants quarters, important not to spoil the serving classes with lifts, viva la revolution! Other 5 floors have lift in front part of building to apartment front door (with back door opening to backstairs)

<<   Ceiling lights at KL twinkling at night

 Trip all good, despite 2 hour delay in KL, & cutbacks on Malaysian, no hot towels to do face & hands on boarding, shock, horror, First class not affected by cutbacks of course!  Very confusing at CDG trying to work out where to get RER train to town, but followed a German gentleman who had revealed that's where he was heading also, (he had quite a hunted look by the time train boarded) & lo & behold eventually found  ourselves on Rue Chanoinesse ringing Mme Carlotta to come down & let us in .Fun getting cases up 6 flights of narrow circular stairway, but don't have to worry about getting them down until the 28th. Carlotta, lady who lives on 5th who manages the garret ( & others by the sound of it) very tres gentile & Italian it turned out.
 Bit later, end of day
M had one go at getting up the ladder & decided she would sleep on the daybed, so off to Tati, low rent department store in the burbs, think cross between Harris Scarfe & Dimmeys, quite scary part of town actually, lots of street vendors (Morrocan ?-) selling knockoff perfume/sunglasses etc, even tickets at the Metro, Metro was Barbes Rochechouart & admittedly was past Gare du Nord & I had been warned anything north of Gare du Nord was a bit dodgy. Purchased the necessary, sheet & doona & M got Coco perfume for G from street vendor &  thought she had real deal.

Metro Cite, our first Guimard Art Nouveau entrance
Left is the first of the Guimard created Art Nouveau Metro entrances we have come across , Cite, we hopped on this line to get to Tati.

Back via Mono Prix on Blvd Saint Michel Rive Gauche & we did a bit of food shopping, milk, etc, I was actually aiming for a marche from near were F & I stayed 2 years ago,  but got hopelessly lost & did many miles, until young chap very obligingly went out of his way to point in us the right direction (who said the French were unhelpful)  However very nice to be lost in Paris so no prob (other than feet, knees & other ailments) as all so interesting & very French, also hope effort not lost & sleep comes easily  through exhaustion.
This the view from our garret window.

First night in Paris & we promised ourselves french champagne & cheese on banks of Seine & we did it, a wonderful rocquefort & a fresh goat cheese with baguette, sitting on bank of Ille St Louis, not alone, quite the thing to do - young couple near us on the bank had what looked like rose & disposable cups, he took her shoes off, I thought he may be going to drink
out of one (before I saw the cups!),
Staggered home after, deux vieux canards dans Paris, a bit giggly, & bloody M is now snoring again while I finish this, I read her a bit & that was enough to send her off!

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