Thursday 30 August 2012

Thursday 30th August 2012 London still

Up early as last day in London & wanted to fit a bit in.  Earlyish that is, 8.30, early enough to catch all the workers rushing to the office with coffee in hand. As recommended by host Tessa, I walked through the Bunhill cemetery (name thought to come from bone hill), a non-conformist (non-C-of-E) cemetery, don't think anyone has been planted there since 1800s.  Notable graves are of Daniel Defoe (Robinson Crusoe) & William Blake. Another of her recommendations was walking through the Barbican Centre on 2nd floor walkway. Barbican Centre is a multi-arts centre - art, music, drama, London Museum (wasn't open) don't ask me, I just walked through & view to ground was rather nice, I was chatting to a girl from Melbourne on the way through, she had worked for ETSA Power & had been in London for 10 years, so did not focus on much. I did manage to notice a secion of the old London wall down below  & took a photo of that, of course the Romans were responsible for it.... as they were for a lot of things.

Part of the old London wall viewed from the Barbican walkway

Once I emerged from the Barbican, I could see the the dome of St Pauls so walked in that direction, about 10 minutes. Against my better judgement stopped for a coffee at a chain very prevalent here (no, not Starbucks, have learnt that lesson, the coffee is shite) anyway the chain is Costa & the coffee was ok, but they serve is in these huge, thick,  white cups - like drinking out of a chamber pot, not that I have done that, but I can imagine.

On from there I walked down Ludgate Hill & Fleet St & diverted off for Leicester Square, eventually found it (no mean feat) & purchased a matinee ticket for "Ghost the musical"  32 pounds (think 1990 film- Demi Moore & Patrick Swayze) recommended by L (not sure about T) with whom  shared afternoon tea yesterday.  Deal done, headed for the National Portrait Gallery & spent a good 2-3 hours there, it is like a history lesson , as it starts with the 1500s & moves up from there. I really enjoyed it.  Just had time to grab some lunch before the matinee at 2.30.

Well the show, what can I say, I loved it, great fun & ended with a tear in the eye.....much like the film really.  Full house & standing ovation. The male lead Mark Evans was excellent, the girl - not sure about her.

Ghost the musical at the Picadilly Theatre, just off Picadilly Circus

After that, hopped on the tube to Knightsbridge, Harrods & did a bit of shopping, along with all the middle eastern shoppers,  probably 7 to 3, I kid you not. Lucky they have a lot of oil currency with the prices in there, I could only afford the Harrods souvenirs (made in China- might as well buy them in Bali at 10th the price!)

Day done, back home to tangle with hair wash without a shower. Kneeling over the bath is de rigeur apparently & then to top it off, no powerpoint in the bathroom for the hair dryer, against the law in UK.

Host Tessa has her chap over for tea this evening, so quite happy to be fiddling with blog more than 2 can fit in that kitchen anyway!

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